18 April, 2009
neway,the pass few days was gd. Did some studying for my bio test, went out wid uni frenz..and watched "too fast too furious" wid bro n his frenz. the show was ok. Ehh, the popcorn here salty wan leh..quite nice tho! lolz..2mr meeting up with cell grp for dinner..and den its back to classes =) lol,will put some pics up soon.
yeah,i should really get some slp..nitez!
10 April, 2009
08 April, 2009
had a few test the last few days..quite nice loh. After Food4aHealthyPlanet test, the faculty belanja us lunch man. Sandwiches, bread, apples..haha. mmg healthy!
And after Bio prac test, they gave us chocs. so nice lah =)
Hopefully results ok la..haha
Neway, gonna go jln jln n might catch a movie wid lucia 2mr! =D
Holzz, here i come!
03 April, 2009
part 2
kk, this is wad happened..on the 27th floor, the water pump burst, and the whole floor was flooded..Then, the electrical switch boards got wet, and thus, no electricity frm the 27th floor all the way down to the lowest floor...haha! so yaloh, im on the 10th floor..therefore my apart is affected. sadness! but really thank God for protection..this afternoon, i was walking down the stairs ( the lifts were nt working), i met this gal frm singapore..den she told me story la! it seems last night, wen the water pump burst,and the electricity was cut off, there was an evacuation. haha...and i pulak nicely tucked in bed, chatting on fon wid mel, not aware of the evacuation! i think my floor wasnt notified loh..coz wen i went out to the corridor, everyone in my floor was still in their apartments. so i tot its like a normal black out, and juz have to wait it out. mana tau so serious. hmm, maybe my floor is quite a distance frm the 27th floor,so not necessary to evacuate kua...haha,anyway, really thank God for protection loh =D
The electricity is still not back, and im blogging in the dark! my hsemate will be staying over at her frens place, and ill be going over to my bro's place. will stay there for the weekend. Have to start studying for my test loh! haha!
ehh, the fridge stinks man! haha..the food all rotten d..haihz! but thank God i din do grocery shopping for this week yet!..if nt, all my food wasted! hehe God is good!! =)!
so yaloh! gonna slp now while i wait for my bro 2 come get me! at least i managed to charge my laptop n fon at uni. not so scary.
hehe..neway,i really wanna thank God. Despite all the "happenings", somehow, everything is ok.. the ppl are working hard to fix the prob, i have my bro with me, family n frens support..so yeah..Really, God is forever faithful! Praise Him!
He's watching over me, my every step!..He's my shield, my strength! Therefore, i shall not be afraid! muahaha =)
let there be light..!!
Im sitting in the dark, eating my lunch!..relying on my com for light..once the battery dies, im getting out of the hse..will stay in uni lor till tonight. hopefully this thing can be solved quickly..gt exams to study for summore..aiseh!
*wait..did i pay my bills???...o.0!!!!!*
01 April, 2009
thank God i keep my coins in a separate purse because of its heaviness! muahaha..so yeah,managed to buy a daily tram ticket and a bowl of noodles for lunch..hehe..and i still had enough to get myself a bottle of coke! =D (pai seh lah to pimjam $$ frm frenz..hehe)
So yup, i was quite shocked loh..i din know i kept that many coins,summore not those cute 2 dollar coins which are small light n cute, but i had aloooot of 20cents n 50cents leh..super big, n heavy..well,at least i managed to use it all,reduce the heavines of my bag..haha) So, all together, i used 14 dollars,and i still have coins left =D!
thank God! =)!
Had 4 lectures 2day..so happy,no bio prac! so by 2,i was home. ahaha. I feel quite bad tho..its only been a mnth in uni,and im already slacking! haha..very sien leh the lects! so hard to stay focus (more like staying awake =D) haha..sooo,to kill time during lects, esp Food4aHealthyPlanet, this is wad we do...
Lucia's really good in drawing!
bit more fierce than the previous Prof
"guess who i am,find me =p"
3 of us have almost all our lects together..hehe
"Aly's Syndrome" she calls it..ahah! i love to eat this korean noodles at uni, and at 1st, Lucia din like it...but after seeing me eat it,everyday fo 2 weeks, she started to like it too..=)
~~really thank God for everything...without HIm,i am nothing~~
~suddenly the world seems such a perfect place,
Suddenly it moves with such a perfect grace
and it all revolve around you~
....And I’m surrounded by
A million people, I
Still feel alone
Oh, let go home
Oh, I miss you, you know...
I miss home so much! =)